savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

europan 9, sion, competition
The site of the contest, located at the center of the town of Sion includes the station and all the infrastructures gravitates around it. The parcel besides the place of the station is currently an empty zone on which a parkings is organized. The contrast between the overflowing activity of the station and this empty surface is equivocal. The multitude of actors in presence on the place of the station makes it a crossroad of mobiliy. Cars, trains, buses, pedestrians, buses of city, bicycles, carriages postal! The site is in an anarchy forced by the lack of organization. The intensity of circulation arround the station is maximum. The station is on the cantonal road which allows the crossing of the city from est to west. The noise level of this place is intensified by the regular passage of the trains and cars. This empty space is an windfal for the town, which can still influence in a consequent way the organization of this district.
Rats of the fields or rats of the cities? The humain is pulled between living near the conveniences in an apartment, or to move in a house out of town, which implies a greater mobility and which is very greedy in territory. The quality of the residences suggested and constraints of the city (parking of a vehicle, noises,…) reject the young couples to settle in the town, with children, it makes it a ceaseless back and forth in town with their courses of music, gym, or karate,… increasing the undeniable traffic. houses with their privative gardens make it possible to reach a comfort while remaining near the facilities. The intimacy given by the typology makes it possible for the inhabitant to choose his level of insulation with its direct neighborhood.
The place allows the meeting of several types of users. from the person who is in transit, shopping, waiting a train or a taxi, going to the cinema… This multitude of activities generate a demand for multiples functions (shop, coffee, terrace, bakery, kiosk, cinema, restaurant, hotels, offices,…) |
The typology takes account of the constraints present on the site.
the ground floor completely public is put in relationship to the streets and the place. The offer of a parking allows an easy approach of the complex. The floors are organized in a manner to protect the interior spaces and offer external places protected from the harmful effects of the railway or strong circulation.
The parcel is entirely built, the places are subdivided in interior and external spaces with different levels of privacity. On the commercial floor, the interior streets allows an extension towards the outside streets. The relationship with the streets contributes to facilitate the development of the commercial aspect. For the flats, a external space functions in complement to the interior space, its personalized lung! on the other hand on the ground floor, the circulations spaces generates meeting spaces.
The project seeks relations with the close built neighborhood. It seeks to structure the space, to build the street. The co-living of the activities gives to project a great autonomy, allowing the city to count on a new centre specialized in mobility and characterized by its diversity of programs. |