savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

refuge du piton des neiges, île de la réunion, 3rd prize in the competition
client : department of la reunion buildings and public spaces department dates : 2020-21 competition
the new piton des neiges refuge is more than just a functional, attractive amenity, it is a bold experiment in itself that draws its inspiration and meaning from hearing and understanding this exceptional site, the great outdoors. this was the starting point: to highlight the value of the piton des neiges refuge, a place so dear to the island of reunion.
this unique, exceptional unesco world heritage site is not only precious, but also sensitive. humans need to behave discreetly to avoid upsetting the existing balance. this immense landscape is shaped by its fauna, flora and climatic conditions, so it's essential to take them all into account, for instance, considering the petrels by not interrupting their breeding cycle, and the endemic species, which are only too happy to return to their original habitats, as well as providing facilities that are appropriate to the local climate.
great care has been taken to create a timeless construction that expresses a certain building truth and a desire to get back to basics.
the project presented here takes on a significant form, one that is intended to guide, like a sentinel on the broad horizon. its unique structure, designed with a single large roof, blends into the wider landscape. the curvature of this roof reveals the special outline of the island's mountains. its cut-out design creates façades with limited surface areas that have minimal visual impact. these are made from angelica wood, a natural material with irregularities that make it easy to integrate into both homogeneous and detailed environments.
the whole building is designed to be efficient during its construction and to be energy-efficient throughout its lifetime. with this kind of design, it makes sense to prefabricate as many of the wooden parts as possible to ensure that on-site erection is quick and causes as little disruption as possible.
inside the refuge, the atmosphere desired is a simple refuge with no frills. the specific shape of the refuge means that it can be divided into three main sections on three floors: accommodation, dining and the hostel. part the internal organisation is ergonomic and skilfully designed. the atmosphere is warm and friendly and showcases the wealth of natural surroundings.
as such, the new piton des neiges refuge aims to be an efficient resource that responds to demand while remaining in harmony with its setting. it has a sustainable approach to the use of resources, particularly in terms of water and solar energy. it encourages users to make use of the refuge and to be mindful to the quality of this vast landscape. guests will leave the refuge having had a genuine, simple and conscious experience.
therefore the aim of this refuge is to blend in harmoniously with this exceptional site. there is power in its choice of location, gentleness in its materials and resilience in its environment. its distinctive identity will encourage hikers to visit it, its friendly atmosphere will create unforgettable memories and its design will ensure that it is a long-lasting refuge for years to come.