savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

new centre for the road and waterways transport department in sion, competition, 2nd place
client : canton of valais programme : vehicle inspection premises, technical department offices, administration and logistics offices, offices for administrative penalties and criminal procedures, management offices, driving test rooms, common rooms, vehicle testing tracks, driving test areas, parking dates : competition, may 2018
the aim of the project is to bring together under one roof a workshop for technical inspections and an administrative centre housing the offices of the various road traffic services. the centre is located to the south of the site and provides an extensive reception area together with vehicular access. a large roof projection, created by the design of the eaves, highlights the entrances to the administration and specialist departments.
a spacious reception area spanning two storeys houses the waiting facilities for the various service desks and booths: main reception, technical or sensitive-case booths, practical and theory driving tests, and administrative and criminal offence hearings. this reception space is made as convenient and attractive as possible for visitors, with ticket machines and information panels, displays, a drinks machine, a TV, etc. beyond the main reception desk, the work spaces are arranged around three patios. all the work stations benefit from excellent natural light. the ground floor houses an open-plan back-office and the administration and logistics departments, while the first floor is dedicated to administrative penalties, criminal procedures and management, as well as communal areas. interconnecting with the inspection building, the technical department’s offices enjoy direct access to the workshops and customer car park. the vehicle inspection workshop has clear internal dimensions, south-north, of 6 m. it is constructed with opaque side walls on which the beams rest, freeing the surfaces from structural elements and enabling roof lights to be inserted, bathing the lift zones in natural light.
typology and construction
the administration premises are built on an open-plan basis with metal load-bearing columns and solid floors. the façades are of profiled metal sheets with full-height windows both on the outside walls and looking into the patios. the interior partitions are also designed with some transparent elements. the layout provides for elements that interact spatially, while guaranteeing privacy for those functions that require it. the inspection workshop is constructed with a metal frame, allowing large spans at minimal cost. the façade, clad in plain metal sheeting, reflects both the rhythm and the materials of the office façades. |