savioz fabrizzi architectes
savioz fabrizzi architectes

les platta'sion
project owner :
overall description of social objectives
the overall aim in redeveloping the platta buildings is to make the district more attractive. we want to provide a place where people enjoy living, where living together is easy, where prices remain affordable and where homes are sustainable/liveable in terms of energy.
currently the homes require renovation. we need to take advantage of this to add real value in terms of liveability, while preserving the historic substance of the buildings.
the first thing we will do is to make them double aspect, brighter and more open to their surroundings, which will enhance their spatial qualities.
there is a different treatment of the facades on the north and south buildings. the people who live in building a have a larger window on the north side, on the kitchen side, and a generous terrace extending from the living room on the park side. the people who live in building b have two terraces on either side of their kitchen on the north side and their living room on the south side. the addition of the terraces facing the green heart of the building gives these homes extra living space.
the secondary, but not lesser, intention is to enhance the outside spaces by providing a green heart to be shared by all of its users and neighbours. this island of greenery provides a pleasant, temperate setting, which will help to restore the water cycle and biodiversity with its greater surface area of permeable soil.
these large
green gardens feature pathways and social areas that link the different levels
of living space and connect the residents. there are playgrounds, areas for
alfresco dining, places for a variety of activities and gardening areas.
to unite these two initiatives, we are working on the ground at the foot of the buildings, thereby activating the ground floor areas in relation to the grounds and providing the residents with a range of communal areas. we are proposing 4 communal areas for the entire site.
finally, we have moved the laundry rooms in all the buildings to the 2nd floors to make them more accessible and practical to use. placing them here will reduce the number of trips with the laundry, which can be rather inconvenient when there is no lift.
we are seeking to promote soft mobility because the district is ideally located just 15 minutes' walk from the town centre and 4 minutes from the nearest bus stop. this choice is consistent with the town's current mobility policy, which encourages soft mobility, limits speeding and reduces the proportion of cars in the transport system. each of the buildings will have a functional, large, secure bicycle storage area, and a whole host of paths criss-crossing the park. of course, pedestrian paths also play an important role on the site.
we are initially retaining the 76 car parking spaces. they are being moved to the edges of the block and the underground car park is being extended to the south to accommodate 35 vehicles. the outdoor spaces are linked to the rue des vignettes and have permeable surfacing, protected by trees. the 41 outdoor spaces may eventually be partly replaced by an extension to the green spaces towards the future rccz (communal building and zoning regulations).
sustainable development report
as suggested in the energy report, a thermal shell will be added to provide efficient thermal management. the homes will be more efficient for everyone's well-being, and this will save on heating and electricity costs.
structural design
as specified in the structural report, in terms of construction, the load-bearing structure appears to be sound but needs to be strengthened to comply with the earthquake-resistant standard (resistance of over 25%). in our proposal, we are following these recommendations and adapting them.
the phasing of the works will have to be agreed with the project owner, as what is chosen will have a major impact on the number of tenants to be moved at the same time, the length of time and extent of the disruption caused by the works, as well as the financial impact of the project.