savioz fabrizzi architectes

savioz fabrizzi architectes

reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry
reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition entry

reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition


client :

city of martigny

program :

urban master plan (housings, offices, commercial activities,…)

dates :

competition august 2012

sia 116 volume :

130’000 m3



the project reorganises the sector situated at the northern entry point to the town of martigny, by creating two densely-built areas along the rue des cèdres. the work underlines the importance of this arterial road which forms part of the inner ring road around the town.

the buildings in a cluster to the south of the area included in the competition overlook the avenue de la gare. at this point, the proposal is to build more densely in order to create a second route, for pedestrians, parallel to the rue des cèdres. this avenue would create a pleasant walking route connecting the railway station to the central square, following the line of what is currently the rue du rhône.

to the west of the site, a large green space provides a park next to the avenue de la gare. the diversity of uses related to this space contributes to the quality of life for local residents and promotes social interaction.


reorganisation of the place de rome, martigny, competition

the buildings in a cluster to the south of the area included in the competition overlook the avenue de la gare. at this point, the proposal is to build more densely in order to create a second route, for pedestrians, parallel to the rue des cèdres. this avenue would create a pleasant walking route connecting the railway station to the central square, following the line of what is currently the rue du rhône.
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